Vote Randy Nelson For Anoka County Commissioner

Empower local voices for a stronger community.

Randy's Working For A Better Future For Our Communities

Economic development is critical to our County. Our businesses not only provide our community with valuable services and goods but most importantly jobs. If we create an appealing low tax partnership for businesses they will not only be drawn but will stay in our community. 

Our residents enjoy our parks, trails, and natural areas. Community partners provide opportunities for residents to enjoy community events, various activities and sports. I believe we can work together to make our County a premier place for families to live, grow and prosper. 

Our police and fire departments are very important to our community safety. Well-trained, properly funded public safety teams are necessary to uphold the rule of law and protect all of us.

Our water supply, sewer system and road infrastructure needs to be properly maintained. We need to prioritize adequate funding to maintain our infrastructure at the lowest cost to our taxpayers. 

Anoka County Leadership in Action